
Discovery Gunman: Just Nuts

Mad Prophet Ludwig9/01/2010 5:23:16 pm PDT

re: #373 Cato the Elder

I did know algebra, once, my mathocratic friend.

So then you could learn it again if you had to, and there would be no problem.

I forgot it all because I took a different path in life.

So then you don’t fill out taxes or need to calculate interest on anything? You needed to know it and skated by.

Are you saying I’m lazy because I don’t intend to go back and learn it again

Yes. I am saying you are not only lazy, but proudly ignorant and that such an attitude is a disgrace from anyone who considers himself educated. Would you be so forgiving of the equivalent ignorance of not being able to read?

in order to pass your eco-fascist literacy test for voting?

No such test exists, nor did I propose one. I said I would not be opposed to a fair one, and that having a service requirement would be better.

Too bad you don’t run things, little man.

That is certainly the case. If I did, we would not be dependent on oil fomr nations that hate us. We would have a much stronger domestic economy because we generated our own power, and most importantly, we would still have an America to worry about in 100 years.