
Poll: Majority of Americans Oppose GOP's Windfall for the Rich

NamDoc6712/04/2010 2:51:35 pm PST

re: #392 Obdicut

Only if you believe that debts aren’t real, and that you don’t really owe money you owe.

Your logic is faulty, and so is your analogy, which is rigged to support it.

The correct anology to the current “tax cut” situation would be:
In 2003, your landlord reduces your rent from $100 to $90, with the stipulation that after 7 years, it will revert to $100. Before the end of the 7 years, he reconsiders, and keeps your rent at $90.

Where is your phantom $10 “windfall.”

I don’t know about your reality, but in mine, my obligations are neither due nor payable until, and unless, they accrue.