
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

Spare O'Lake10/08/2009 2:37:49 pm PDT

Crazy Like A Fox Alert:

Cable News Ratings
Oct.6, 2009
5PM – P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
Glenn Beck – 2,603,000 viewers (589,000) (1,149,000)
Situation Room—517,000 viewers (101,000) (195,000)
Hardball w/ Chris Matthews—487,000 viewers (91,000) (243,000)
Fast Money—234,000 viewers (68,000) (105,000)
Prime News–236,000 viewers (119,000) (150,000)

How can someone who is this insane be this popular? Beck is more than twice as popular as his competition combined. And his loony radio show draws 9,000,000+ listeners - also wildly successful.
WTF is happening?