
Pat Buchanan: Tea Parties Are a 'New Tribe Rising'

SanFranciscoZionist4/20/2010 1:06:16 pm PDT

re: #393 Thanos

Get over it, so do many others. It doesn’t belong to you. Nuff said.

I’d really love to see this agony drag on for another hundred posts or so, but let me intervene anyway:

I think Ludwig’s point is that Jews and Native Americans use the word ‘tribe’ in English, customarily to refer to members of theirs. He is not saying that other people don’t have tribal memberships, or don’t live in tribal structures.

I think that Ludwig’s point is further that Buchanan is trying to ‘edge in’ on Jews by using the word ‘tribe’. This I disagree with. I doubt Buchanan knows what an MOT is. I think he’s trying to edge in on Native Americans, and the traditional romantic image of them, and also to refer to some kind of primal European social structure.

OK. Carry on.