
Overnight Open Thread

Walter L. Newton4/28/2010 8:56:38 am PDT

re: #390 Jadespring

When I was staying at friends place I was sitting in the living room and heard something in the kitchen. I thought everyone had gone to work so got up to see who was there. Walked around the corner and lo a behold it was a bear. It was standing on it’s hind legs pawing at the pantry shelf.

Talk about shocking and unexpected. Without a second thought I turned around and high tailed it out onto the deck and shut the door. First thought was ‘who in the hell do you call when you have a bear in the house?’.

Anyways I tiptoed to the kitchen window to see what was up and it was gone. I expect as I hightailed it hightailed back out the way it came in. Did a search of the house and saw the bathroom window was open and shut it. When I told my friend when he got home about the bear he said, “It was in here again? I keep telling Fred to keep that damn window shut.”

Yep… and even if they are not trying to be aggressive, you don’t want a 900 pound bear walking into you, “friendly” pawing you and they can damage property just by passing through it. They are fucking big.