
GOP House: Planned Parenthood Bad, NASCAR Good

HRH Stanley Sea2/18/2011 4:13:44 pm PST

re: #389 Gus 802

Fox News Blasts Obama for USA PATRIOT ACT


The condemnation started with Fox and Friend’s Gretchen Carlson saying: “I looked it up on Google and the Constitution specifically forbids the President from some of the powers in the Patriot act, like holding people without charging them, but Obama wants to arrest and hold anyone! This includes US citizens.” To which a worried Sam Shepard added “what’s worse is that the liberal hate groups like the ACLU are all for it. I’m afraid that he’ll put his political opponents, the true patriots into that God Forsaken Island prison of his- Guantanamo.”

As the day continued day time news reader Megyn Kelly warned “the Obama’s patriot act contains provisions to allow Obama to wiretap any phone line without a judge’s orders for any reason whatsoever. ” “When will this unamerican behavior end? We saw Obama’s need for control with all these crazy TSA rules- but now he’s gone too far,” she yelled exasperated before throwing her hands up and going to commercial.