Comment Commenters Spew Racial Slurs at Democratic Strategist

Birth Control Works10/01/2011 9:19:47 am PDT

re: #394 000G

Expanding on this: I think a lot of libertarian impulse comes from the attitude of wanting to be left the fuck alone. And I can understand that, especially when society around you becomes more and more demanding, unjust, ugly.

But then a lot of libertarianism seems to spin this into a fundamental principle in which individuals make up the ultimative reality, any collectives (except for one, this is important: the people, the nation) are evil abstractions, and only minarchism and hyper-individualism can provide solutions to the social mess. And that’s just plain wrong.

But this wrong interpretation of the world provides fertile grounds for conspiracy theories because it easily assumes social problems to be rooted in evil individuals that secretly plot in small, clandestine collectives against the people. So it’s the illuminati, the New World Order, etc. instead of bad policies, popular misunderstandings, unhinged bigotry, etc.

Liberatarians are the only party I’ve found that fits my values as a far as 2nd Amendment Rights and Women’s Rights.

Why gun rights and abortion are otherwise viewed as diametrically opposed is beyond me.

I end-up partyless.

Oh well.