
Announcing: The Random Donald Trump Tweet Machine

Belafon6/09/2016 8:20:45 am PDT

Have you seen this: (ht Daily Kos)? From the Washington Post:

Correct the Record, a super PAC supporting Hillary Clinton, is launching a “Trump Lies” campaign on Thursday that catalogs the business mogul’s lies and inaccuracies, dating from the start of his real estate career in the 1970s to his current campaign for president.

Thursday’s launch includes an interactive website,, which contains a searchable database of Trump’s misstatements, as well as a 40-minute video highlighting his struggles with the truth since announcing his candidacy a year ago.

The video, set to the entirety of Mozart’s Symphony No. 41, includes every Trump statement that has been awarded Four Pinocchios by The Washington Post’s Fact Checker. The group will update its lies database as the campaign unfolds and plans to continue adding multimedia features and other new material, such as weekly roundups of falsehoods, between now and Election Day.