
Another Brilliant Seth Meyers Bit on Today's Mueller Investigation News

ObserverArt10/31/2017 9:43:42 am PDT

After reading the WaPo article that names the people mentioned in the court documents as several senior campaign managers I thought back on what Corey Lewandowski said on the Today Show this morning during their first half hour news segment.

In the WaPo article Lewandowski says:

“High-Ranking Campaign Official”: Campaign manager Corey Lewandowski

Emails previously described to The Post indicate that the “high-ranking campaign official” described in court documents is onetime campaign manager Corey Lewandowski. The emails were among more than 20,000 pages that the Trump campaign turned over to congressional committees after review by White House and defense lawyers.

Lewandowski, who was pushed out of his post in June 2016, did not respond to requests for comment.

Papadopoulos wrote to Lewandowski several times to let him know that the Russians were interested in forging a relationship with the campaign, court filings show.

In one email on April 27, 2016, Papadopoulos wrote “to discuss Russia’s interest in hosting Mr. Trump.”

“Have been receiving a lot of calls over the last month about Putin wanting to host him and the team when the time is right,” he added.

In May, Papadopoulos forwarded to Lewandowski an offer of “cooperation” from a Russian with links to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “Is this something we want to move forward with?” he asked.

There is no indication if or how Lewandowski responded to those messages. But in June, when Papadopoulos emailed him again about Russia, Lewandowski referred him to Clovis because he “is running point,” according to court documents.

Now listen to how easy he lies about all that this morning…
