
Danish Conservative Speaks Out on Climate Change

Mad Prophet Ludwig9/21/2009 1:59:34 pm PDT

re: #378 Korla Pundit

It is not that I don’t believe in AGW. It’s that I remain unconvinced because so much of the purported evidence has been faulty or even flat-out fraudulent

Look at the direct measurements. Look at the keeling curves.

The original “hockey stick” …

Going into the history of that particular paper will only derail the conversation. There is actually great debate about if it was debunked or not, and no one really cares anymore in the community because of many many other sources of direct evidence. How about direct spectral measurements of CO2 concentrations?

There have been other things that make me more skeptical, like the dropping of Siberian temperatures from the average, which of course will make the average go up.

That is direct evidence of warming! Why would that make you skeptical?

Finally, any predictions built totally on computer models are going to reflect the result that the programmers want it to, whether subconsciously or not. Computer models are not a perfect science.

And yet we used them very successfully to design aircraft, put men on the moon and calculate all sorts of things. Do you really think that scientific computing, checked over by multiple researchers and done by multiple competing groups is that subject to prejudice?

But most of all, the thing that pushes me away from being convinced is the people who are pushing the “solution.” I don’t trust people who mix science and politics, especially when they promise to raise my cost of living, while reducing my standard of living.

And because of that YOU are prejudiced to the science itself. Look no further for a source of bias.

My main point is that extraordinary claims, with extraordinary resulting legal and financial constructs, require extraordinary evidence. I know there is certainly evidence, but I don’t find it extraordinary. I consider it lacking the proper scientific scrutiny by people who do NOT favor a particular conclusion over another.

The evidence exists in abundance. Again, read through the argument, please from start to finish.

Therein is why we are told that conservatives don’t care about the environment. That’s not the case. It’s that the environment is being used to promote big government, and conservatives are agin it.

Not at all! The conservatives, who do not bother to look at the science are being duped by the ones who fear losing profits.