
Thank You, Climate Change Deniers

iceweasel12/05/2009 10:54:16 pm PST

Touring the nutosphere, and I see the Episcopalian Diocese in LA just elected its first openly gay bishop.

Here is the execrable Robert Stacy McCain on it:

Episcopalian: The Gay Religion
They can’t help it. They were born Episcopalian:

The Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles today elected the first openly gay bishop since the national church lifted a ban that sought to bar gays and lesbians from the church’s highest ordained ministry.
Clergy and lay leaders, meeting in Riverside for their annual convention, elected the Rev. Canon Mary D. Glasspool, 55, who has been in a committed relationship with another woman since 1988. Another gay candidate, the Rev. John L. Kirkley of San Francisco, withdrew late Friday.

They haven’t actually banned breeders from membership yet, but why bother? No heterosexual has applied for membership in years.

The typical Episcopal church nowadays has more lesbians than the LPGA and more gay men than the first five rows at a Bette Midler concert.

Words fail, but not as much as RSM FAILs.