
"Strict Constitutionalist" Rush Limbaugh Cheers Trump's Call to Destroy the 14th Amendment

Reno Cowgirl8/17/2015 1:25:48 pm PDT

I know it’s a fool’s errand to try to find a miniscule speck of logic inside the peculiar mind of Rush, but this Trump thing is genuinely the strangest Twilight Zone ever. The Donald is well to the left of McCain & Romney, and Rush… loves him. Huh? Trump is the phoniest fake “conservative” in the race, and Coulter/Hannity seem genuinely fooled by the con. (Which actually kind of makes sense now that I think about it.)

Meanwhile, who’s the rational rightwing voice of reason on Trump? Glenn Beck! Wow, we’re in unchartered territory when Glenn is the adult in the room, trying to explain to the adolescents that Trump isn’t even a real Republican, let alone a real conservative.

How long can the con go on before the RWNJ wise up?