
Eric Holder: 'A Nation of Cowards'

zombie2/18/2009 11:38:09 am PST

re: #320 FightingBack

I’ll give you a conversation about race:

When my son was in the 5th grade, he had to fill out a form that asked for his race. “Race?” “What’s ‘Race’?”
I looked at him, and considered what to say.
So I answered, “You, Bobby, and Matthew are of 3 different races.”
And he said, “Really? It doesn’t seem like it.”

You’ve got to be taught.

Ain’t that the truth. In the school system where I grew up (which was very racially mixed — Hispanic, black, white and Asian in about equal proportions), the littlest 1st-3rd graders all intermingled freely without racial awareness. Then, starting in 4th grade, a bunch of proto-moonbats took over the school board and instituted a whole bunch of bullshit racial lessons in each class, in a ruinous wrongheaded attempt to “cure” the kids’ supposed inherent racism. For the first time, the kids became aware of their racial difference, and with the teachers’ tacit encouragement, self-segregation quickly followed.

From 4th grade onward, the school became a war zone of racial tension.

And it never would have happened if the asshole Marxists hadn’t brainwashed the notion of race into us poor children. And insisted each child have “pride” in their race or ethnic heritage, above all other ethnicities. (White kids were told to focus not on their whitenss but on their ancestors’ original culture of origin — Polish, Italian, Jewish, French, etc.).

And now, that brainwashing begins in kindergarten, instead of 4th grade. Nationwide.

I hate the left for this reason perhaps above all others. To me, the left-wing race-baiters have done more social damage to this country than has the KKK.