
Video: Tea Party Convention Attendees Speak

HoosierHoops2/13/2010 2:29:23 pm PST

re: #385 oldegeezr

I’ve been laboring mightly under the mistaken assumption that COBOL , previously used extensively in business applications, was the culprit.
You learn something new every day…!
We used FORTRAN exclusively in the comp sci classes I took back in the fifties.

Could that program predict if it was going to rain on Friday?
Old School My Brother…
Let’s take this on a different route.. If you were an Astronaut going to Space and they told you the launch was using Fortran Compiled results.. You would be driving away from the Cape with Diapers on as fast as possible…
Now that is a F*cking fact..
Compile the results with modern Compilers.. It’s that simple