
Sen. Sherrod Brown Shuts Down Dana Loesch: 'Not From You I Don't'

Rightwingconspirator6/10/2012 10:40:44 am PDT

re: #392 Achilles Tang

Where I work, yes profits are up. Yes, this is anecdotal but it speaks to a harsh reality. Hiring has not happened. Only due to one reason-Not enough demand. I must leave some details out but our product mix transformed. What sells now requires little labor to produce.

Oh and a government regulation cost the firm two full time jobs. We fought this so hard. The City of Ontario decided it knows better than Sacramento, and banned licensed toxic waste processors from bring the material into city limits for even the most green technology processing. Those jobs are gone for good, and they paid really well.

That toxic waste is the red rouge that comes off gold polishing lathes when its polished. Toxic waste worth $500 per pound to the waste generator like your local jewelry maker.

Now my bottom line point here is that hiring is demand driven. With all due respect points made about some bad players-When companies need help to make more money via their sales or services, hiring happens. As overtime exceeds another position hires happen. Until then, companies just try to make money on what they have.

Demand still sucks.