
Another GOP Senate Candidate Who Thinks Rape Is God's Way of Giving Women Babies

William Lewis10/24/2012 1:52:35 pm PDT

re: #348 DisturbedEma

Just can’t figure that guy out- he get unemployment, but wantes programs like that ended, he states that many of the positions held by Romney are suspect, but will vote for him anyway…just don’t get him

I do. He’s got a father who’s big on the GOP line and been taught all his life that loyalty is one if, if not the highest, virtue. It’s a lot like Dubya in that respect. OTOH, he’s far more intelligent and has, over the past year or so, grown tremendously as a person and in taking his own positions (still often wrong but his own) rather than parrot his father’s. It’s a slow process but growing up often is.

The one that _I_ can not understand is KT. Whining like a Teabagger and then bragging about not voting and refusing to do jury duty? Such a sad little person…