
The Police Audio of the Palin Family's Post-Drunken Brawl Interviews Is Not Pretty

Dr. Matt10/22/2014 9:18:54 am PDT

NOT The Onion

Should Florida split into 2 states?

Florida could be split in two, effectively creating the 51st state of “South Florida,” if city officials near the southern end of the (currently singular) Sunshine State had their way.

Commissioners in the city of South Miami passed a resolution calling for the “legal separation” of Florida into two states, north and south.

The reason: South Miami Vice Mayor Walter Harris says state leaders in Tallahassee isn’t doing enough to address southern Florida’s concerns about rising sea levels and climate change.

The resolution that Florida’s 24 southernmost counties secede from the Sunshine State and create a new state called South Florida. The remaining 43 counties would retain the original name “Florida.”