
Transcripts of Trump's Calls With Foreign Leaders Leaked, and Wow, Are They Ever Bizarre

Renaissance_Man8/03/2017 4:59:39 pm PDT

re: #387 ObserverArt

I think it too early to make that judgment until we know who did it. There are too may variables and we do not know how compromised Trump is.

I said earlier they could have been provided from the other parties, maybe they leaked them.

Or, how do we know the Russians are not so connected they have the transcripts and they released them. Trump just signed the sanctions…and the transcripts were just released.

Nothing normal is going on here. It’s all new territory and shows the issues of a president being compromised.

Your last paragraph is very true. It’s not normal and he’s obviously compromised in many ways.

But I must agree, I think leaking transcripts of such conversations isn’t good. Even a ‘freedom fighter’ in the Trump White House doing so is a serious breach of trust with other nations, regardless of how much it damages Trump. Other nations already can’t trust the US, and they just got more evidence that even anti-Trump people, if one of them is the leak, can’t be trusted.

The other countries in those calls would not have leaked the transcripts, mostly because it’s such a breach of trust to do so. These other nations have more or less functioning governments, and to undermine their own leaders and world diplomacy (think any other country would trust them if they did that?) just to fuck with Trump is not going to be something they would do.

If Russia did it themselves, that would be also very bad, as further evidence of just how successful this whole Russian operation to destroy the US has been - now they feel free to release such sensitive data, secure in the knowledge that the US is defanged?

None of this is normal, but this is not a good development, mostly because of the implications beyond America’s borders.