
Steve Schmidt Goes Even More Rogue

Summer Seale1/11/2010 8:16:47 pm PST

Hi Facebook fans! It’s Sarah here!

You know, I read all the magazines and books and stuff, and so I just got done watching that 30 Minutes thing they did about me on MSNBC, and they just got everything wrong, didn’t they?

You betcha!

Now, I don’t really think that I should have to correct everyone else when I already corrected them over a year ago during the election, but it looks like these liberal Democrat guys like Steve Schtick who were on the other team just won’t stop making stuff up about me! I mean, did he even really get to know me? Wasn’t he on the Obiden campaign or something?

I guess it’s not that important. It’s also not that important that people think I didn’t know the differences of some things they say were important, and really weren’t! I mean, does it really matter if I can remember where North Korea is in the Middle East? Does it matter that I couldn’t remember how many TV sets Iraq makes and sends to our country every year? Osama Hussein sure did attack us on 9/11 and everyone knows it - they didn’t have to teach me that. And who cares about when World War III was fought? That’s so last century and quite unimportant.

No, what is important is that being a hockey mom from Alass-ka, I was fully qualified to lead our nation into the twentieth century.

Now, I know that all the other news channels are really jealous today because I chose Fox News over them, and they’re probably going to be running that Katie Gibson interview and the one with the other guy they all think that I messed up on. I think it was on CNN or something, but I’m not sure. But does that matter? No it doesn’t, because as Steve said that I already said: It’s all part of God’s plan.

And it is! That’s why you’re all voting for me, isn’t it? Because, you know, God’s plan is so much more important than anything else and I’m perfectly qualified to be the enabler of it. Just ask any mom with lots of kids who ran a small town in a snowy place! You know, I betcha Obiden doesn’t have to remember where all the mitts are for his kids before he sends them to school on a cold day, but I do! And does that Steve guy know how to ration your heating logs when a storm front comes in? I don’t think so.

That sort of energy experience is vital for a President to have in the twentieth century, and I’m that girl! That’s right, moms, you know what I mean. Because when it comes time to staring down Emir Putin from Saudi Arabia because he wants to sell us more steel and put good Americans out of work in the steel mills, that’s the kinda knowhow that’ll make the difference at that table! I should know!

And when it comes time for whether or not we allow Obiden Care to let terrorists into our hospitals while we Americans are lined up in death camps in front of panels which choose who lives or dies, that’s the kinda of experience that won’t let America go Socialist on you!

It’s true I haven’t traveled much in the world, but that’s what Air Force One is for, right? And what I need to know about is America, not the rest of the world. Not France or Iran. It’s just so important that I know other things, like what the evils of Communism look like. Remember, I stared at those evil things going on from my porch while looking at Communist Russia for so many years.

What is really the most important thing though, is knowing how to cheer on your team. That’s what a President is! And who better qualified than me to be doing that? Everyone knows it!

So thank you for your support and God Bless you all.

Sarah Palin.