
Dozens of US Governors Receive Notes Demanding Resignation in 3 Days

SanFranciscoZionist4/02/2010 2:04:51 pm PDT

re: #388 ~Fianna


We got really really lucky. One of our cats vomited for a while, but testing didn’t turn anything up and it cleared up as soon as we switched to Trader Joe’s food.

I don’t normally plug companies, but TJ’s rocked during all of that. Their food is not made with anything that was implicated, but they paid for independent testing of their pet food and made the lab results available to anyone who wanted them - they were both on the web and in paper copies by the pet food display and in the manager’s booth for anyone who wanted them.

We feed all 5 kids TJ’s food now.

Trader Joe’s has also consistently refused to knuckle under to anti-Israel activists who want to take their made-in-Israel products off the shelves. They do not budge, and they have often responded by creating nice displays of their Israeli-made goods so that counter-activists can easily find the Dorot garlic cubes and the Israeli cous-cous. They’re the only source of fresh kosher meat in my neighborhood.

They are very good, also, about advertising any recalls they may have.

They are an excellent company.