
In New Interview, Edward Snowden Doubles Down on "Direct Access" Allegation

A Mom Anon7/09/2013 6:18:40 am PDT

Sigh. We just found out that because our idiot governor(Nathan Deal) and his cronies in the State House changed the standing of the agency that would allow my son to go to a special school for autistic young adults, the funding has been fucked to the point that there may not be an opening for him for another YEAR. We’ve already been waiting since Feb.

Before they took this agency out of the Dept of Labor and made it a stand alone agency, the funding was never held up. It may have been cut here and there, but not decimated and held up like this. My son’s vocational rehabilitation caseworker said she’s been doing this job for over 20 years and she’s never seen such a clusterfuck in her entire career.

The truly sucky thing about this, beyond the obvious, is that if he gets a job or goes to school, even if he fails miserably, they will close his case file and it will negate his eligibility for this program. So thanks Gov. Deal, you butthead.

Another tidbit. Our former Sec of Labor managed to get 10 million dollars in stimulus money to build this school back in 2011. The school has been open since Feb of 2012. So isn’t it a big waste of taxpayer money to just let this program fall apart? Or maybe that’s the whole idea, another BRILLIANT “starve the beast” GOP idea. I’m so freaking PISSED right now I could scream. The worst part? Having to tell my son, that once again, something that was promised to him has been jerked out from under his feet. I now have to try to figure out what to do with no money and no help. I really want to cry.