
Police Run Amok in Ferguson While Gov. Jay Nixon Prays, Meets With 4H Club

Mattand8/14/2014 6:11:16 am PDT

Just got caught up on the Ferguson situation. My God, what a fuck up. Absolutely horrible.

Again, this needs to be pointed out again and again:

1) It becomes more apparent everyday that the Ferguson PD is trying to cover up one of their own murdering a 17 year old black kid by threatening an entire city, the majority of whom are black.

2) To anyone who thinks racism is dead or on the wane in America, two words for you: Bundy Ranch. A group of white men aim assault weapons at government agents who are doing their job, among other things, and are basically left off the hook.

Black people using their Constitutional rights to protest a cop slaughtering a kid get sniper rifles pointed at them.