
On Lemmings and Cliffs

Nerdy Fish2/24/2015 7:49:29 am PST

re: #395 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

I grew up in a small town controlled mostly by the baptist church (with a smattering of catholics, methodists and presbyterians thrown in). My father listened to (and still listens to) rush limbaugh, hated clinton and I grew up much the product of that environment. Then I moved to california and everything began to change until about the time 9/11 happened and I even said “well, I’m glad we got bush instead of gore” even though I voted for Gore. Of course I also watched Fox news basically 24/7. I bought the whole thing hook line and sinker until the 2004 election season when I started waking up so to speak.

Fishfolk are borderline birthers, their hatred of Obama is so pathological. They absolutely believe he is a sooper-sekrit Muslim.