
John McCain Was Horribly Dissed by Trump. Now He's Supporting Trump.

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam6/05/2016 7:15:58 am PDT

No parody this time. Just debunking.

Proof!: @MegynKelly says judge not member of La Raza, and Chuck Johnson can’t read — or spell

Megyn Kelly and Bill Bennett discuss some guy named Judge Curio

In his latest blockbuster of a post read by dozens, Award Winning JournalistTM Chuck C. Johnson spends considerable time and space trying to prove Megyn Kelly of Fox News wrong, while characteristically shooting himself in the foot.

Kelly, who was interviewing Bill Bennett, went off on Donald Trump’s attacks on Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is hearing the fraud case involving Trump University. Trump has called Curiel a Mexican, though the judge was born in Indiana (El Estado de Indiana was apparently annexed by Mexico retroactively while no one noticed. Thanks, Obama!). Trump has also claimed that Curiel is a member of La Raza, which to Anglos’ ears is like saying President Obama is a mau mau.

But, as Kelly notes in the video, Curiel is a member of the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association. It’s not the same thing as La Raza.


But Johnson, who has jumped on the Trump bandwagon as fast as he abandoned his adulation of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Loser), is not having any of that lip from no woman, especially one who bleeds from her wherever. He tries to paint the lawyers association as some kind of radical organization out to overthrow Los Gringos, and insists that Curiel really belongs to La Raza.

But the two images this high IQ Award Winning JournalistTM uses to support his contention clearly say, “San Diego La Raza Lawyers Associaation,” as in a completely different organization.

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