
Some Gaza Residents Blaming Hamas, Quietly

MeatPopsicle1/24/2009 8:33:12 pm PST

re: #313 ArmyWife

I think you may have made a wrong turn out there in the big, wide internet. Did you seriously just compare Hamas to the GOP? I think you need to do some fact checking. You can start right on this thread. [Link:…] Note the loving father who HOPED his son would be killed. Looked forward to it, even. You compare that to the GOP?

I didn’t mean what some of you are getting your bowels in an uproar for at all. The “GOP” has self-destructed, or it would certainly appear that way currently, similarly to how Hamas has self-destructed among some their followers and former supporters who have recently been left questioning their allegiance after allowing themselves to believe in campaign promises and allusions from candidates to a better tomorrow. The blood-thirsty death-seeking savages part was never part of the equation.

I should have and could have clarified myself further for those who can’t be bothered to NOT read into what I said with even the slightest effort, but I’d obviously be wasting my time. I’m a proud conservative Republican and intend to soldier on as such.

But LGF ain’t what it used to be. It seems like it has been somewhat over-run with vile loathesome knuckle dragging creatures that haven’t the slightest bit of etiquette or the appearences of a modicum of intelligence… which is par for the Republican course these days it seems.

I have no idea why that is and it troubles me to see it up close and personal.