
'Conservatives' Who Want to Ban Books

Quella2/12/2009 4:22:13 pm PST

re: #397 J.S.

I believe your position is switching here. Are you not then putting your claims into Wilders’ claims? (in other words, you’re acting like Wilders’ mouthpiece, but in reality, you’re not stating Wilders’ claims, it’s your claims on Wilders’ behalf) and, in the process you’re confusing the two?

I am against all laws which ban books and hate speech. However, should these laws exist, as they do in Europe, I can understand why some would think the Koran should be banned as hate speech.

I am not an Islamic scholar to make a determination that the Koran per se is hate speech, but I understand how someone else would come to such a conclusion.

And I believe that - given these hate speech laws exist - it is absurd to only apply them to certain hate ideologies and not others.

Regardless of what I believe, we are in for some tough times if Wilders is convicted for the crime of libelling Islam. We do NOT want to set a precedant wherein Islam (or any religion, for that matter) cannot be discussed and debated without fear of prosecution.