
Video: Skeptic vs. Creationist

Euler2/26/2009 8:57:17 pm PST

re: #165 Right Brain

She is the one presenting an argument with one assumption ie God made the universe. And to follow his belief we have to have literally hundreds of assumptions, he adds to them every time he opens his mouth. He has not been around scientists that much, his Phd. is in history.

How does having a single assumption strengthen an argument? It does not. True enough, the weaker the hypothesis, the stronger the inference, no controversy there. But then there is the little matter of whether or not the hypothesis is true. In fact, by making the single hypothesis that 0=1, I can prove any conclusion q whatsoever with complete mathematical rigor as follows.

We wish to prove that 0=1 => q. The only way this implication can fail is for both 0=1 to be true and for q to be false. But 0 does not in fact equal 1. So the implication does not fail; and we conclude that the statement 0=1 => q is true; i.e., it is a valid implication.