
Thursday Afternoon Open

pink freud3/19/2009 3:40:12 pm PDT

re: #364 Catttt

The bottom line is that President Clinton was actually persuasive. He had that charm thing, and he could speak to a person or an audience in a persuasive way. Even as I knew I disagreed on something, I found myself admiring his presentation. And we all know that he used that ability for personal, as well as public reasons. He was no fool, either - he was a Rhodes Scholar. He could think on his feet.

To me, President Obama has none of that. Not only are his actual words meaningless - they are obviously being read, and when they’re not, they are the ramblings of a man who obviously cannot think on his feet.

Plus, he has that arrogant and evasive thing going. No offense to men, but as a woman, this set off all sorts of alarms for me, because men like that instantly go on my “do not trust” list forever. I always see the time he all but patted a woman reporter ont he head dismissively, saying “later, sweety,” and then blowing her off. She was visibly angry, and who can blame her?

Well said, all of it. Clinton also had that “all-American” thing going for him, even thought we may have hated his politics and shennanigans, he was one of us.

I can’t say the same for Teh 0ne.