
Overnight Spillane

jvic4/26/2010 9:32:52 am PDT

re: #341 Lidane

Morning, Lizards!

If this isn’t a sign that AZ’s new immigration laws are out of whack, I don’t know what is:

Even Tancredo worries AZ immigration law may go too far: People shouldn’t be pulled over for how they look

Good morning, Lidane. I was about to leave, but I’m glad we overlapped.

I want to add something to my response yesterday to your call for fixing the legal immigration system. I wrote:

(Although I’d secure the border before doing anything else. If Mexico doesn’t like it, tough. Thereafter I would recognize that, no matter what the text of the law says, the illegals here were in fact invited by powerful special interests that deliberately undercut the rule of law. I would be very reluctant to deport any illegals who are willing to become citizens and transfer their primary allegiance to the USA.)

I want to add that together with securing the border, I’d end or dial down the idiotic Drug War.

Seventy years ago the country had the common sense to end Prohibition when it clearly wasn’t working. We’re seeing what would have happened otherwise. Where has that common sense gone? (It’s been monetized and put in the pockets of politicians and special interests.)
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The proper role of government is to prevent problems from getting so out of hand that people feel threatened enough to support dubious measures like the Arizona law (and the demagogues who scent opportunity).

I and the public know
What all schoolchildren learn,
Those to whom evil is done
Do evil in return.