
Wingnuts Raging at Obama Speech (Of Course)

Atlas Fails9/09/2011 2:22:36 pm PDT

re: #387 Buck

No Obama and his staff thought Abraham Lincoln was the founder of the Republican Party. They didn’t think he was a Democrat.

You know like Sarah Palin thought Paul Revere “warned the British” during his famed 1775 ride…

Ah, this is what I get for trying to bounce between three different sites at once. I do enjoy your attempts to play magical balance fairy, though. Hey, Palin might be a barking-at-cars moron who makes a fool of herself at every turn and thought Paul Revere rang them bells and warned the British, but Obama said 57 states and called Lincoln the founder of the GOP, when he was really just its key early figure. Teabaggers aren’t the only stupids!!!