
Rand Paul: 'We Haven't Had a Big Debate About Obamacare'

majii10/01/2013 2:28:01 pm PDT

Why the MSM keeps having Rand Paul appear on their national networks and present him as someone who is knowledgeable about policies/laws/issues, doesn’t make sense to me. Anyone with one functioning brain cell who listens to this tool knows almost immediately that he’s one of the dumbest people in Congress. The ACA was debated and passed, and Rand Paul’s claim that it needs to be debated today is bogus, and he knows it. This turd can sit on national TV and give people the idea that a law that was passed three years ago needs to be debated again as if it isn’t already a law. Shame on the networks that keep inviting this b*tch on to talk about anything. The danger of RP being able to go on national TV and lie, and of having no one challenge him on his lies, is that some Americans will believe him. Debate changes to the law to make it better, yes, but debate the entire law in an attempt to repeal it, hell, no.