
Report Calls L.A. a City in Decline, Warns of Crisis in Leadership

Bill Lenner1/08/2014 12:24:58 pm PST

The main problem in LA is massive, and increasing inequality. They are now talking about creating apartments the size of some people’s closets, which are also going to be rented at the same cost as we see now as always happens. Of course this matters little to the poor families increasingly crammed into the same rotting boxes in South (lovely how they did away from that incriminating “Central” part of it’s description) Harbor, and other problem parts of the city and all those rotting other small bergs where those not on the entertainment chief or Big business executive pay ladder live.

New York has handled the same economic inequality (aka gang and /or violence problems) by a stop and frisk policy that has been challenged by a federal judge and earlier in LA the police had policies that frankly got them put under national choke hold for over a decade.

But the real root of violence like we are seeing is inequality only possible in such a congested area with continuing low minimum wage and a free for all attitude towards big money earners and minimal throw away programs for the working people, and those still without work.

It’s not lax policing, not “those people”. It’s policy that can be changed.