
The All-Too-Real Costs of Free Trade to Average Americans

Rightwingconspirator2/01/2014 11:38:15 am PST

re: #3 Skip Intro

Jobs in the electrical and plumbing trades pay well, can’t be off-shored, give you freedom of movement, and don’t leave you with $50,000 of college debt to pay off while you’re working as a barista at Starbucks.

Whole industries live or die on skilled hands of people. And truly they deserve no less respect than the doctors, lawyers, software developers.

Right now the jewelry biz has good paying openings, because we shed so many good people to the great recession. Many of them can not or will not come back, it’s been years for many. We really need CAD people, 3d printer operators, Gold/platinum/silver smiths. Pave diamond setters. Big production is mostly gone. Custom work and new tech is making a big difference. Production is now well decentralized and that can be a very good thing for jobs. American jewelry is coming back. The missing element? The skilled & experienced human element. The product is glamorous, Our working people are rarely respected that well. And they have a huge social advantage over how plumbers are viewed. That’s not right.