
Michele Bachmann: Too Crazy for Fox's Neil Cavuto

Dark_Falcon6/25/2014 2:36:21 pm PDT

re: #2 Rocky-in-Connecticut

I’ll repeat. This is not really aimed at Obama. It is aimed at the likelihood of 8 years of Hillary.

You will see right wingers threatening to leave the US en masse should Hillary win and continue to use Executive Orders. The fact that the right wing noise machine was entirely silent during GW Bush’s record-setting use of these Orders speaks volumes, and the prospect that at least 16 years of continuous Democrat Presidents can use them is just too much for them to bear.

Honestly, it scares the Hell out of me. But I’ve come to the conclusion that the use of executive orders has gone too far and that it had gone too far before Obama took office. The powers of the president need to be dialed back a bit and some of its cases of rule-making need to be restored to the Congress, even if the Congress does not act on them.