
Are Higher Frame Rates Really a Better Moving Image in Cinema?

EiMitch9/13/2014 11:38:18 pm PDT

re: #3 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

It makes shows shot at slower fps look bad. It doesn’t make things shot at faster fps look bad. Any gamer can attest that faster fps looks better. Have you tried watching a live sports event on HD? It doesn’t look like crap at all.

Motion interpolation sucks. I won’t deny that. But the solution isn’t to hold back technology. Its to demand, as a consumer, a way to slow the screen’s fps for older shows. Or just get an older tv. Or maybe they’ll figure out a better way to improve MI so it doesn’t look crappy.

My point is that faster fps isn’t being pushed by the industry for no good reason. It really is better. Its just suffering issues with backwards compatibility.