
Dumbest Man on Internet Freaks Out Over "SHOCK VIDEO" That Isn't the Least Bit Shocking

lawhawk10/24/2014 12:53:58 pm PDT

Pointed this out in the dead thread, but the Daily Mail, on which that video and story were based (and then run by other outlets, including Fox) even included the line that they had no way to know whether the officers seen in the video/photos were in contact with the patient or entered the building. They just left it up to the reader to scroll all the way to the bottom for the exquisite caveat:

The photos and video, all shot before Spencer’s Ebola was actually confirmed, do not show whether these officers actually entered his building.

However, some are suggesting that for the sake of safety - not to mention public sanity - it would have made sense to discard of these masks and gloves and tape in a biohazard bag.

There’s no evidence these officers actually entered the scene, let alone touched anything that might resemble a biohazard. But the Daily Fail warns that for psychological purposes, they should have bagged everything biohazard anyways - even stuff that was in no way ever in contact with the doctor - like the police tape.