
The Instant that Ended a Police Career

Dark_Falcon3/27/2015 2:13:39 pm PDT

re: #3 uncah91

I don’t see how this statement is at all supported by the example.

The would have gotten away with it. May have gotten away with it other times where there wasn’t video, or the video wasn’t leaked.

Video existed in this case, but only once it was made public (and then made it viral in another context) did the officers face appropriate punishment.

I can’t really speak to that beyond noting that’s how the author of the piece feels. It’s an oversight, but it may be just observation of a former Special Forces soldier who is used to an environment where internal cover-ups are less common.

The thing I’d ask is to please not throw out the whole piece because of that oversight. The author has the right frame of mind, IMO, and his piece can deliver important truths to folks who might not listen to ‘liberals’, but will listen and perhaps believe when the situation is explained by a fellow gun aficionado.

The crucial thing for changes in policing to occur is for a coalition strong enough to push it through to form. Pieces like this are how the center-right and middle-right parts of that coalition can form.