
Stephen Colbert IS Tuck Buckford: The Only Man Brave Enough to Be Trump's Poison Tester

BlueGrl211/13/2018 11:01:53 am PST

I just posted this on my Facebook page. I mean every word.

I’m done.

“Does everyone comprehend how many of John’s players are African? That those kids you sat in the stands and cheered for are Nigerian, Kenyan, and from other African countries? It’s usually at least half. HALF.

How many of those boys are sons to us? That they are with us CONSTANTLY. That some of them call John Dad and me Mom?

43% of African immigrants have college degrees. 33% of Americans have one.

The things coming out of Trump’s mouth, out of his supporter’s mouths…if any of you support that, unfriend me RIGHT NOW. I don’t want you in my life. I don’t care if we’re friends, family, I DO NOT CARE. These are my kids being talked about. Do not EVER mess with my kids.

This moment, right here, is the line in the sand.

Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.”