
Next-Level Vocals: Michael Mayo, "20/20"

cat-tikvah8/23/2020 8:56:30 pm PDT

re: #2 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Clarifying my own comment.
By the way, if you go to hell, we’ll see each other there cause Jews aren’t getting into heaven either.

My husband is an atheist (he made it to first communion and bailed). I’m Jewish, but I’m a whole lot less concerned with what people believe than in how they act.
My point before was that many people vehemently defend what they claim is the literal word of God, which in this case is rife with mistranslations and in which interpretation is everything.
It seems a fundamental (no pun intended) human challenge to live in a free and open society and be able to navigate the cognitive dissonance in saying that your own religious truth is neither negated or threatened by someone else’s different religious truth.
Perhaps this is easier if you have had the experience of living as a minority in a majority culture. I don’t need other people to be the same as me; I only need them to acknowledge my freedom to not be like them.