
Cheney: 'We're Happy to Have General Powell in the Republican Party'

SeafoodGumbo5/27/2009 8:33:13 pm PDT

An Open Letter to Colin Powell

Dear General Powell,

I read with great interest your recent statement that the Republican Party must be “more inclusive” and that it must expand its “very, very narrow base”.

While all Americans respect and honor your service to this country, when it comes to political theory, economics, law and history, you are thoroughly, utterly confused.

On October 19th of last year, you endorsed Barack Obama for President on Meet the Press.

But America had a “moderate” Republican candidate for president at that time. John McCain was an “inclusive” candidate and certainly didn’t pander to a “narrow base”. Yet you abandoned him, Mr. Powell, and — in fact — helped sabotage his campaign by publicly endorsing the most ideologically pure, leftist candidate this country has ever seen.