
Scozzofava Officially Backs Owens

erraticsphinx11/01/2009 9:55:41 pm PST

Very good article in the Politico about how they got her to endorse.

Or rather, persuaded her to endorse openly (since it’s obvious she hates Hoffman’s guts).

I don’t understand the GOP. They did not have a SHRED of fiscal conservatism for the last 8-10 years (including 6 with total control of Congress/Presidency) and now they expect to “get back to principles and core values”.

What principles? What core values?

This is an omen of a party in a death spiral.
I live in NY, so I will probably stay registered Republican to try to influence primaries ( despite this current fiasco, most GOPers here are NOT far right). But as for voting for federal GOP candidates, not happening anytime before the theocons leave.