

HelloDare3/30/2010 12:22:56 pm PDT

What Does the NLRB Do?

In its statutory assignment, the NLRB has two principal functions: (1) to determine, through [secret-ballot elections,] the free democratic choice by employees whether they wish to be represented by a union in dealing with their employers and if so, by which union; and (2) to prevent and remedy unlawful acts, called [unfair labor practices,] by either employers or unions. The agency does not act on its own motion in either function. It processes only those charges of unfair labor practices and petitions for employee elections that are filed with the NLRB in one of its 51 Regional, Subregional, or Resident Offices.

Yes, that is exactly the problem:

A radical by the board …

… When the union bosses have the NLRB in their fold, workers who try to exercise their legal rights to dismiss unwanted union monopoly bargaining agents - or even to stop their forced dues from being used to elect handpicked Big Labor candidates - are denied even the most basic protections.

That’s why, especially considering Mr. Becker’s record, it’s not a stretch to believe that - should he be confirmed by the U.S. Senate - Mr. Becker wouldn’t think twice about rubber-stamping even the most abusive forced unionism schemes cooked up by union militants.

In fact, as a former AFL-CIO and Service Employees International Union (SEIU) lawyer, Mr. Becker is solely responsible for forcing tens of thousands of workers under union boss control.

In one case, reports from a Los Angeles SEIU local union revealed that almost 63,000 people rejected membership in the union in 2007, but thanks to Mr. Becker, were still forced to pay dues.

And Mr. Becker’s own words explain why. He was even so bold as to say unions were “formed to escape the evils of individualism and individual competition … their actions necessarily involve coercion.”

With that kind of anything-goes attitude, it’s no surprise Mr. Becker supports “home visits,” in which union militants repeatedly harass workers at home until they sign union-authorization cards, and even advocates letting Mr. Obama’s handpicked arbiters impose contracts on workers, without even allowing the workers to vote on their own contract.

In fact, Mr. Becker is so extreme he actually believes the only choice workers should have is which union they should be forced to join and pay dues to!

In Mr. Becker’s view, if an independent worker refuses to pick, he and the rest of Big Labor’s lackeys on the NLRB should be able to choose a union for that worker. This kind of Big Labor kowtowing is not only outrageous, but it’s also dangerous.

After all, American workers are the ones who are going to the pay the price every time the NLRB grants union officials more illicit power.

With the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee due to take up the nomination this week, right now is the most crucial time to expose Mr. Becker’s forced unionism record.

Of course, to stop Mr. Becker’s appointment, the full Senate must reject him, but if the HELP Committee doesn’t do its job by probing his radical views, it’s safe to say that won’t happen.

That’s why it’s vital all opponents of forced unionism hold Mr. Becker accountable by contacting their senators and demanding they don’t just let Mr. Becker skate by without having to answer questions about his radical views.

Instead, the Senate HELP Committee should reject Mr. Becker’s nomination to the NLRB in committee - before it’s too late.

And then, under (2) there’s the little thing called card check.