
Pamela Geller's Whacked Out Manifesto

Hombre McBacon11/04/2010 12:36:17 pm PDT

Here’s my abridged translation of Ms. Geller’s “manifesto”:

We will destroy all old propaganda media. New media is steamrolling over the deadmen walking.

Let’s cast Hollywood out!

We will repeal the financial reform bill that scapegoated business for the abject failures of the fed.

It’s time to scapegoat the Fed!

We will take back the college campuses.

We will make teaching Intelligent Design mandatory!

We will get on our childrens’ school boards and, just like in Texas, change the whitewashed history books and review the syllabi.

Teh eebil guvmint took our slaves!

Get government out of our lives. Dismantle big government. Piece by piece

We must stop the Zionist Moozlim Occupied Government!!11ty

Deregulate business. Piece by piece. Sector by sector. Unshackle the motor of the country. Free the producer.

(Henry) Ford was right!

We will volunteer in homeschooling networks. We will donate and offer our services in our respective areas of expertise.

For every school, a 22!

Unshackle America. Repeal “hate crime” legislation. All crime is hate. This is an attack on free speech. Islamic supremacists will invoke “hate speech” to kill free speech.

Let’s bash a Paki(stani)!

We will stop funding Ground Zero Mosque Imam Rauf’s fund raising junkets to the Middle East.

We must stop Bush’s Imam’s mosque!

We will ridicule, polarize, and render irrelevant the dogmatic, evil leftists.

We will use the tactics of the BDS movement!

We will crush them with our logic and reason and concrete facts.

We will defeat their Algebra Jihad!

We will demand reasoned discourse and laugh at their ad hominen attacks.

We will use typos to defeat PC spell checkking!

RINOs will not be tolerated. Leave the party, join the traitors. Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins, take note.

We must purge the Republican Party of Lincoln!

We will mandate trips for key liberals in leadership to Iran, Somalia, Darfur, et al, to watch clitorectomies, stonings, and gender apartheid.

We’ve got to scare them into submission!

We will arrange for youth summer camps in Somalia and Darfur for Obama’s youth corps, and tell them it’s the peace corps for the lefties.

We need an English Defence Youth Corp here in the United States!

We will demand accountability from the United Nations, or withdraw from it.

We must water the Mighty Birch Tree!

We will disqualify the Organization of the Islamic Conference at the UN until there is an Organization of the Christian Conference and Organization of the Jewish Conference.

Remember our martyr, Joseph McCarthy!