
Full Documentary: Worse Than War

Nyet11/20/2010 9:41:45 am PST

re: #3 Cheese Eating Victory Monkey

No, of course not. It’s just I would prefer if such films were made by respectable researchers. When your book is condemned by such leading historians of the period as Raul Hilberg and Yehuda Bauer, Ian Kershaw and Richard Evans, Browning and Jaeckel…

Here’s an example of scholarly opinion from the official expert report by Evans during the Irving v. Lipstadt trial:

2.5.12 Craig, however, has carried out little first-hand archival research on the history of Nazi Germany himself; and he is well known as a generous reviewer. Recently for example he was taken to task for his favourable review of a controversial book by the young political scientist Daniel Jonah Goldhagen, Hitler’s Willing Executioners, a book which argued in a crude and dogmatic fashion that virtually all Germans had been murderous antisemites since the middle ages, had been longing to exterminate the Jews for decades before Hitler came to power, and actively enjoyed participating in the extermination when it began. The book has since been exposed as a tissue of misrepresentation and misinterpretation, written in shocking ignorance of the huge historical literature on the topic and making numerous elementary mistakes in its interpretation of the documents. Faced with mounting evidence of its unscholarly nature, Craig was forced to publish what amounted to a withdrawal of his first, positive reaction.40 His critical faculties were evidently equally in abeyance when he reviewed Irving’s Goebbels, as this Report will demonstrate through repeated and detailed examination of the techniques Irving uses in his book.