
Video: Climate Change Study Deals Crushing Blow to Denial Machine

Nyet10/29/2011 11:23:30 am PDT

re: #3 Targetpractice, Worst of Both Worlds

Also one thing needs to be emphasized here, so as not to fall into a trap when debating the deniers. The BEST was only about GW, not about AGW. This gives some of the deniers a cover - “but we never denied the GW, only the A part!”. This is a transparent lie, since the “urban heat” kerfuffle and the whole “ClimateGate” were about the GW as such.

On the other hand, now that the BEST (again) confirms that the scientists were honest all along, this also removes the barriers some might have had for accepting the anthropogenic part. Besides making total sense, it’s the consensus, after all.