
Anne Frank 'posthumously baptised as a Mormon'

Mostly sane, most of the time.2/24/2012 9:28:53 am PST

re: #3 sffilk

The problem is that the powers that be don’t want to stop the practice of necro-baptism, especially when it comes to Jewish Holocaust victims. The same cycle will start again in a modicum of time and will continue until someone like Helen Radkey calls the press and says, “So-and-so has been baptized again.”

The church has tried really hard to cultivate a good relationship with Israel and the Jewish community. Until now, they had asked members to stop doing this and had a pop up screen that reminded people not to do it. Apparently there was more—I wouldn’t know, I never tried to test the system.

They’ve just announced they’re going to start going after people who have ignored the requests to stop.