
Hefer Valley Synagogue Defaced

CuriousLurker6/22/2012 4:03:00 am PDT

I wonder why Ynet didn’t use a photo of the actual graffiti? The one shown is political, having to do with Fatah.

Here’s a rough translation (view annotated photo):

Fatah (big red letters on right)
No reconciliation
Illusionist/snake charmer
[is] your enemy
[I can only make out a few letters of the last line because it’s too messy & chopped off, but there are the letters ?? b d s k ?]

WRT the last line, I can’t really tell if the message was left by Fatah or if it’s supposed to be about Fatah, but it clearly has nothing to do with Muhammad. None of the letters indicated constitute his name or any of the other words used to refer to him.