
Obama and Romney Tackle 14 Top Science Questions

Eclectic Cyborg9/06/2012 10:57:43 am PDT

Firstly I highly, HIGHLY doubt these answers came from Romney himself.

Secondly I love this section of the Romney response under the “energy” question, which I have amended with my own commentary:

I have put forward a six-part plan for achieving these goals. First, I will empower states to control onshore energy development (DRILLING!), including on federal lands within their borders. Second, I will open offshore areas to development (DRILLING!). Third, I will pursue a North American Energy Partnership so that America can benefit from the resources of its neighbors. Fourth, I will ensure accurate assessment of the nation’s energy resources by updating decades-old surveys that do not reflect modern technological capabilities (MORE POWERFUL DRILLS!). Fifth, I will restore transparency and fairness to permitting and regulation. And sixth, I will facilitate private-sector-led development of new energy technologies.(MORE DRILLING!)

Also, no questions on evolution…interesting.