
Wingnut Outrage of the Day

Skip Intro2/26/2013 12:01:57 pm PST

re: #3 Destro

The country’s leading seditionist, and worst attorney in the history of the world, Orly Taitz, is all over this today, with visions of frogmarching the DOJ, members of Congress, and of course, Obama, to the gallows. What a truly monstrous person this Mad Moldavian is.

Results of High Treason by the US Department of Justice, Judges and members of Congress in allowing a foreign agent with all forged and stolen IDs to sit in the WH for 4 years. 4 U.S. nuclear carriers are docked and unable to refuel. Citizens can write to the Director of FBI, Mueller, director of secret Service, director of DHS, Congressmen and Judges and demand that they stop committing treason and start the prosecution of Obama or they will be arrested and tried for High Treason . The penalty for High Treason is Life in Prison or Death Penalty. The citizens of this nation are rising. See 223 pictures below.