
Kill Whitey! NRA's Black Outreach: Scary and Awkward

majii3/09/2013 7:49:05 pm PST

What Wayne LaPierre, the other NRA officials, and their sycophants don’t know is that we’re much smarter than they give us credit for being. Black America has had a different experience with guns than other groups in the country, especially in the inner cities of America. Russell Simmons wrote a response to LaPierre and the tools who take their orders from the NRA and posed a very important question to them, “Where were they and LaPierre during the Civil Rights Movement?” Not only did Russell Simmons drink LaPierre and the NRA’s milkshake, he ate their breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, imo. If LaPierre and the other knuckleheads think having some young fellow appear in an anti-government video to persuade us to support the NRA, he’s more stupid than I thought he was. In general, Black Americans know we have limited power in this country. We know that violence begets violence, and that the most effective way to accomplish anything is by political means. LaPierre has cared nothing for us in the past, and suddenly, now that there’s someone in the WH who identifies himself as African American, LaPierre wants to organize us against the government and sell us guns. IMO, he and his knuckleheads missed the boat. The time to have been stridently anti-government were the years 2001-2009, when the nation was lied into an unnecessary war and we had a president who didn’t give two shits about anything, nearly completely destroyed everything he touched, then walked away from it to hide out in Texas. LaPierre has no clue how much we Black Americans detest what he, GWB, republicans, and republican politicians represent, or that if he’s expecting us to align with him while knowing he’s shilling for republicans, he should commit himself to the nearest mental health facility because he’s nuts